Professional photographers act as the primary recorders of our global and family histories. Prior to the mid 19th century, most of what we knew about our world was written by hand. However, in our world today, we think in terms of the images created by experienced professional photographers.
As an industry, professional photography has embraced the need to reduce the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing. As we begin to reopen our doors, we are doing all we can to ensure your safety during these challenging times.
In preparation, rest assured that we are following state and local government’s guidelines during the phased-in efforts to re-open:
Personal Protective Equipment:
The use of PPE such as masks and gloves will be used while we work with our clients.
Temperature checks and screening questions
Temperature checks will be conducted for each photographic client (including each member of the family present) prior to each session. Any subject or family member with a fever exceeding 100.1 degrees will be rescheduled. Screening questions may include:
How are you feeling?
Have you had a cough or any flu-like or COVID symptoms in the last 14 days?
Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the last 14 days?
Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?
Social distancing / No touch
We will maintain social distancing, using no-touch posing methods when at all possible. Until further notice is received from the CDC and other health officials, the maximum gathering for a photographic session will be of 4 or fewer persons (contact us if you have a larger group).
Adherence to sanitation protocols
Standard sanitation protocols prior to each client will include but not be limited to:
Washing hands regularly before and after photographic sessions
The studio will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized
Sanitation of restroom/dressing facilities in-studio
Sanitation of common areas, including door knobs (interior and exterior) and counter tops
By appointment only
As we re-open on May 9th, we will hold to strict appointment times, allowing sufficient time to sanitize photographic equipment and common areas after each client session. Only one client (and family) will be allowed in studio facilities at any given time.
We are looking forward to photographing you!
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Your safety is our main priority!
Call 720-209-4432 or email me to schedule your session.
See you soon!